Travel fares
Base fare
Waiting fare
1. Local (within Pécs) |
890 Ft |
460 Ft / km |
80 Ft / perc |
2. More than 4 passengers or wagon |
1300 Ft |
490 Ft / km |
80 Ft / perc |
3. Contracting |
700 Ft |
390 Ft / km |
70 Ft / perc |
Travel voucher (taxi cheque) for companies
For our contracting partners, and we hope that you will become one of them, we apply the following reduced fares:
Base fare
Waiting fare
700 Ft |
390 Ft / km |
70 Ft / min |
In case you do not yet have a travel voucher and you wish to bind a contract with us, then please contact our
company at one of the options given under
Contacts section.
Taxi cheque prices indicated above do not include VAT.